14th Ntrca.teletalk.com.bd Circular 2017: Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certificate Authority has Circulated 14th NTRCA Teachers Registration Circular 2017. Interested Applicants in NTRCA have to apply Online from 06 June 2017 To 10 July 2017. The Offical Website is www.ntrca.gov.bd. Non Government Teachers Registration and Certificate Authority was started Their Activities Since 2005. NTRCA is Responsible for recruiting Teachers in School and College Level. All The required information regarding 14th NTRCA Circular, NTRCA Result 2017 can be found on this website www.mybdresults24.blogspot.com
14th NTRCA Bd Circular has been published by the Ntrca
authority. NTRCA Means Non-Government Teacher's Registration and
Certificate Authority. Ntrca System was started from the year of 2005.
Till then Every Year a Large number of Bangladeshi Graduates Apply for
acquiring this Valuable Degree. Non-Government Teacher's Registration
& Certificate Authority (NTRCA) is accomplish by two types. 1. School Level & 2. College Level .
Bangladesh Government has made a rule from 2005 that every candidates who are willing to be a Teacher (School Level) or a professor (College Level) they must have passed the NTRCA Exam Certificates otherwise they are not allowed for Apply in School or College as a teacher.
Bangladesh Government has made a rule from 2005 that every candidates who are willing to be a Teacher (School Level) or a professor (College Level) they must have passed the NTRCA Exam Certificates otherwise they are not allowed for Apply in School or College as a teacher.
important Dates and Times Regarding NTRCA
- NTRCA Online Application and Payment will be started on : 06 Jun 2017 from 3:00 PM
- Last Date of NTRCA Online Application: 10 July 2017 at 06:00PM
- Application fees is tk: 300/-
- NTRCA Online Application Website: www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd
Preliminiary Passed Students have to appear in Written Exam will be
held on 08 December and 09 December 2017 on the Respective Division.
Download ntrca.teletalk.com.bd Circular 2017

How To Paid NTRCA Payment >>>>>>
1st SMS : NTRCA <Space> user ID sent to 16222 you will get a PIN then
2nd SMS : NTRCA <Space> Yes <Space> PIN sent to 16222
Finally you will get an USER ID and PASSORD Preserve this message for further Process. This is Important
Online Application form NTRCA 2017
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