15th NTRCA Examination Circular 2018: Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certificate Authority has Published the 15th NTRCA Examination Circular 2018 . Application forms to be invited from candidates who are willing to participate in the 15th Teacher's Registration Examination 2018 organized by the NTRCA- (Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certificate Authority). for registration and certification of candidates interested in becoming a teacher in the private educational institutions of the country. Candidates will participate in the preliminary examination in the first phase of this examination. Candidates who will pass the preliminary test will have to take part in the written exam in the second phase. Oral examinations will be Taken for the candidates who passed the written test. Lets Check all the details of 15th NTRCA Exam Results 2018.

Important Deadline about 15th NTRCA Circular 2018:
NTRCA 2018 deadlines are as follows :Application date for submission of Online application form submission date is 5 December 2018. Last date is 26 December 2018 evening till 6:00 pmfor submission of application fee,
Download NTRCA Circular 2018

15th NTRCA Examination Circular 2018
Candidates can apply for 15th NTRCA Teachers Registration Process, Candidates who are Appeared or Descended in the Examination are not allowed to apply .
Newly Passed Candidates in the Examination have to take certification by the head of the respective educational institution or will keep the papers for oral examination. 15th Teachers Registration Admit Card Download Notice will be given to the candidates mobile number in time, after receiving the SMS, the candidate can download the NTRCA admit card from www.ntrca.teletalk.com.bd website.
Kinds of updated Information regarding Job Circular, Job results,
Public Exam Results Keep eyes on this website at
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