41 BCS Circular Apply Online | 41 BCS Admit Download 2020

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41 BCS Circular Apply Online | 41 BCS Admit Download 2020 : 41 BCS Application Process has been Started. Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC is the Supreme recruiting authority for 41 BCS.  This Year total 2166 cadre vacant Positions for recruitment.  642 Cadre will be recruited for General Cadre.  619 cadre for Professional /Technical Cadre and Education Cadre is 892 .In this session 2166 person can join as a govt officer Cadre and can serve Bangladesh with proud and dignity.

bpsc 41 bcs

41 BPSC Teletalk.com.bd

bpsc.teletalk.com.bd is the main recruitment website for 41 BCS exam. 41 BCS admit card and seat plan 2020 can be found on this website. Bangladesh civil service in shortly known as BCS that is conducted by Bangladesh Public Service Commission is supreme job position in Bangladesh. Every year a large number of Candidates in the country took part for this examination. All the necessary information regarding 41 BCS exam Admit Card, 41 BCS Seat Plan and 41 BCS Exam Result 2020 will be updated here.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the of 41 BCS examination all over the country.
Fourty One BCS last date of  examination 04 January 2020. It is think that BCS MCQ examination will be held on the month of March 2020.

Total Vacant Positions in 41 BCS

Name of Designation
Total Seat
BCS (General Education): Lecturer
BCS (Technical Education): Lecturer
BCS (Administration): Assistant Secretary/Assistant Commissioner & Executive Magistrate
BCS (Police): Assistant Superintendent of Police
BCS (Health): Assistant Surgeon / Medical Officer
BCS Assistant Dental Surgeon
BCS (Foreign Affairs): Assistant Secretary (Former Section Officer)
BCS (Ansar): Assistant District Commandant / Equivalent Posts
BCS (Audit & Accounts): Assistant Accountant General
BCS (Customs & Excise): Assistant Commissioner of customs
BCS (Taxation): Assistant Commissioner of Taxes
BCS (Cooperatives): Assistant Registrar
BCS (Statistics): Statistical Officer
BCS (Railway Transportation & Commercial): Assistant Traffic Superintendent
BCS (Railway Transportation & Commercial): Assistant Traffic Superintendent
BCS (Railway Engineering): Assistant Engineer
BCS (Information), Technical: Assistant Radio Engineer
BCS (Postal): Assistant Post Master General / Equivalent Posts
BCS (Fisheries): Upazila Fisheries Officer
BCS (Livestock): Veterinary Surgeon / Upazila Livestock Officer
BCS (Agriculture): Agricultural Extension Officer
BCS(Engineer):Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Equivalent
BCS (Trade): Assistant Controller of Import & Export / Equivalent Posts
BCS (Family Planning): Family Planning Officer
BCS (Food): Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Equivalent Posts
BCS (Public Works): Assistant Engineer

Apply for 41 BCS At bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
Interested Applicants Who wants to seat for the 41 Exam in Bangladesh Civil Service have to apply Online.

visit http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd 

After going to this address you can see 3 radio button like

1. Application Form for General Cadre

2. Application Form for Technical Cadre/Professional Cadre

3. Application Form for General and Technical/ Professional (both) Cadre

If the applicants wants to fill up General Cadre only then General Cadre’s Application Form’s radio button will have to be clicked, the General Cadre application (BPSC Form-1) will be visible then. Similarly, if you are willing to fill up BPSC Online Application form for General and Technical / Professional cadre, then by clicking on the third radio button for both cadre, the BPSC Form-1 for both cadre will be visible. If the expected BPSC Form-1 is visible, each part of the form must be filled in accordance with the given instructions in the circular. BPSC Form-1 has 3 parts: Part-1 Personal Information, Part-2 Educational Qualification, Part-3 Cadre Option. Detailed instructions for the BPSC Form-1 and detailed instructions given in each field of BPSC Form-1 should be filled by BPSC Form-1.

Download 41BCS Circular-bpsc.teletalk.com.bd


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41 bcs

41 bcs

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41 BCS Online Payment Method
After Applying in BPSC Server you will get a USER ID using this You have to Pay Fees for 41 bcs. Payment for 41 BCS Examination is only Possible by Teletalk, Total Application Fee is 700 taka.Online Payment Method are Given Below.

 Go to Mobile Message Option and Type:

1st step:

BCS<space>User ID

send the message to 16222


After sending the first SMS you will receive this SMS as reply are describing bellow.
Reply : Applicant’s Name(your name), Tk-700(100 Tk. for Physically Handicapped, Ethnic Minority Group and Third Gender Group Candidates) will be Charged as Application Fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number) XXXXXXX. To Pay Fee, type BCS < Space>Yes PIN and send to 16222.

2nd step:

BCS​<space>​YES​<space>​Your Pin

and send it to 16222

Example : BCS YES 12345678
After sending the Second SMS you will receive this SMS as reply are describing bellow.

Reply : Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for 41st BCS Examination. User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx). N.B.: For Lost Password, Please Type BCSHELPSSC Board SSC RollSSC Year and send to 16222

Important Deadline for 41 BCS Exam:

  1. Application Start : 05 December 2019 
  2. Online Application last Date : 04 January 2020 
  3. Total vacant Seat : 2,166

Online Registration for 41 BCS Examination 2019

Download 41BCS Circular in.PDF

41 BCS Circular Apply Online | 41 BCS Admit Download 2020 

41 BCS Seat Plan 2019 has been Published to its official Website and this website. Download 41 BCS Admit Card from http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd/bcs41/admitcard/index.php Find all the Details of 41 BCS. 

41 BCS Seat Plan 2021 Download

All the Updated information regarding 41 BCS Exam, BCS Seat Plan , BCS Admit Card will given in this website at www.mybdresults24.blogspot.com, So Stay with us

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