XI CLASS ADMISSION APPLY ONLINE | HSC ADMISSION SESSION 2020 - 2021: HSC Admission Process including Online Application Date , XI Admission Result Publication Date and Online Application Process For The Session 2020-2021 has been announced by the Ministry of Education and Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Bangladesh. Let's Find All The Details of HSC Admission 2020-21. XI Class Admission Date related all information will be found in our website at www.mybdresults24.blogspot.com
XI Class Admission Circular 2020 is Applicable for Ten Education Board including Madrasah Education Board, Online Application for HSC Admission Start Date is 09 August 2020 Will Continue to 20 August 2020 All Over Bangladesh, Online services and call centers will be closed on 15 August 2020 at National Mourning Day.
HSC Admission Circular 2020-21
A student have to apply to a minimum of 5 colleges in the order of preference and can apply to a maximum of 10 colleges, Students will be nominated for admission in a particular college according to merit and preference. Dhaka, Rajshahi, Cumilla, Jashore, Chattogram, Barishal, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Mymensingh, and Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board will follow the Rules set by the Ministry of Education.HSC Admission Notice 2020
SSC Result 2020 was published on May 31, 2020. Student who Passed the SSC examination 2020 are looking for quality Educational faculties for HSC admission 2020. The on-line admission system for the Class XI (Eleven) Process 2020-21 will start on May 10, 2020.
Eligibility for XI Admission 2020 : Students
who have passed SSC from any education of Ten Education board including Dhaka, Rajshahi, Cumilla, Jashore, Chattogram, Barishal, Sylhet, Dinajpur, Mymensingh, and Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board in 2018, 2019 & 2020
are eligible for HSC admission 2020-21. Students who have also passed SSC
from Bangladesh Open University in 2018, 2019 & 2020 are also
eligible to apply for HSC admission 2020. Details requirement can be
known from HSC admission policy 2020 and respective colleges website.
Eligible candidates can apply for 10 Colleges. Students must submit
application within the scheduled time Mentioned.
HSC Admission Online Application Procedure:
Students can apply online through official website
http://www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd . Students can choice minimum 5
colleges and maximum 10 colleges for HSC admission 2020. Online
application fees is TK.150 for 10 colleges and Tk.120 for a single
college application.
HSC Admission Circular in 2020-2021 academic year

Apply Online– http://www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd
All College List Board Wise Download
একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির আবেদন ৯ অগাষ্ট হতে ২০ অগাষ্ট ২০২০ ইং পর্যন্ত গ্রহণ করা হবে।
HSC Admission Merit List 2020- No admission test will be held for HSC Admission 2020 under academic session 2020-21. HSC Admission Merit List Result 2020 will be given based on SSC result. HSC Admission 1st Merit List Result 2020 will be published on June 08, 2020.
HSC Admission Result 2020: We will publish all information about HSC Admission Circular 2020-21. So
keep visiting in our website atmybdresults24.blogspot.com, If you have any
question about XI CLASS ADMISSION APPLY ONLINE | HSC ADMISSION SESSION 2020 - 2021 then comment below or message us through our Facebook Page.