Bank Education loan for Students in Bangladesh

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Bank Education loan for Students in Bangladesh: A lot of money is needed to enrich students' careers in order to get advanced and advanced degrees . Some of the country's private banks offer long-term loans to students on easy terms. The loan that is given to the interested students is therefore known as student loan or education loan. There are Many Private or Public Banks in Bangladesh who want to Give Student Loans for Education Purposes in a low rate. In this article You will know How you can get a Student loan from Bangladeshi Banks To continue the curriculum.

education loan for students


Bank Education loan for Students in Bangladesh

Many banks in Bangladesh now lending 'education loans' for higher education in local and foreign universities. Among the private banks in Bangladesh students can take loans from Mercantile Bank, Eastern Bank, One Bank, Dhaka Bank, NCC Bank and some other banks. On the other hand, among the government banks, Agrani and Janata Bank give loans to students.

How to get a loans

If parents are interested in getting an education loan for their children, they should go to any branch of the lending bank and contact the marketing / credit department. The officer in charge there will give you the details. However, in this case, the necessary information and documents such as proof of income, college / university admission certificate and student consent must be submitted. The bank will check your paperwork and give you the desired loan in the shortest possible time.

Eligibility to borrow

Anyone considered to be able to repay the loan can take loan from these banks for education. Generally, the employees who work in government or non-government organizations whose salary is 12-16 thousand taka get the benefit of this loan. In case of traders, subject to proof of income, the monthly income must be 50 thousand Taka. Anyone between the ages of 25 and 60 can take a loan according to their Economic qualifications.

Banks that Provides Student Loans in Bangladesh 

There are Several Banks in Bangladesh who are Lending Student Education Loans for enriching their Professional life abide by some different Terms and Conditions. For The Achievement of higher Education in Home and Abroad Students Sometimes can not Provide Required Money So, they Need to Borrow Loans from domestic and International Govt. or Private Banking Organization. Some Well Known Banks in Bangladesh Who Gives Student Loans are BRAC Bank, HSBC Bank, Islami Bank, Prime Bank, Mercantile Bank, Janata Bank, Eastern Bank, NCC Bank, Uttara Bank, One Bank and NRB Global Banks. 

BRAC Bank Student Loan:

BRAC Bank Provides Students Loan in easy terms. BRAC Bank has also introduced some services with education loans, which can be availed through parents or financial guarantees of students who wish to stay in the country or go abroad for higher studies. To get this loan, monthly income of the parents should be at least 25 thousand tk. The bank will lend 15 times the total monthly income of the parents. The opportunity to repay the loan in small monthly installments has been kept.

Although BRAC Bank does not have a direct education loan scheme, it provides loans through personal loan schemes. BRAC Bank provides education loan terms for study abroad. A loan of up to Tk 10 lakh can be taken without any collateral. The maximum loan amount is 30 lakh. The time available to repay the loan is 1-4 years. Loan repayment rate should be 15% bank account. Necessary documents to go abroad should be submitted when applying.  More Necessary Information is here

Contact for loan

বাড়ি # ১,রোড # ১, গুলশান এভিনিউ, গুলশান -১, ঢাকা -১২১২, বাংলাদেশ

ঢাকা: গুলশান-৮৮২৪০৫৩, বনানী-৮৮৫৮৭ঌ৫, মতিঝিল-ঌ৫৫০৩০৭, নওয়াপাড়া -৭১২৫০০০, মগবাজার-ঌ৩৫৫৫৩৮-ঌ, কেরানীগঞ্জ-৭৭৭২৬৬১-২, ধানমন্ডি-৮১৫০১ঌ৮, সাভার-৭৭০২৫২৩-৪, সাতমসজিদ রোড-৮১২৬৬৫৬ ।


আগ্রাবাদ- ০৩১-৮১২০৮ঌ

সিলেট- ০৮২১-৭২০১৮৮, জিন্দাবাজার-০৮২১-৮১৪৪৪১,


HSBC Student Loan:

Conditions for taking student loan from HSBC:

No personal guarantee or cash deposit is required. In order to take a loan, a family member must earn an income of Rs 18,000 to Rs 22,000. HSBC offers a loan of Rs 50,000 to Rs 650,000 or 4 times the monthly income of the borrower. The interest rate of the loan is 18%. The loan has to be repaid at a lower interest rate. Students have the facility to open the file between 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months. If an output or CEPS customer wants to take a student loan, he is also given a loan of 8 and 10 times. However, it is not more than 6 lakh 50 thousand. More Information is Here

ঋণ নেয়ার জন্য যোগাযোগঃ

মার্কেটিং এন্ড পাবলিক রিলেসান্স ম্যানেজার
এইচএসবিসি ঢাকা মেইন অফিস
১/১- বি, সোনারগাঁও রোড , ঢাকা- ১২০৫, বাংলাদেশ , ফোন- ০১১৮৮৫৬২৬ (ঋণ শাখা) ,০১১৮৮৪৭২২ (এইচএসবিসি অফিস)

Islami Bank Education Loan:

Islami Bank Limited provides loans with down payment of one-fourth of the price of various educational materials. For this, however, 12.50% per annual  and 2% as supervision charge has to be paid. Here you have to pay the price of the product in monthly installments within a maximum of 2 years. More information is here.

ইসলামী ব্যাংক লিমিটেড থেকে শিক্ষাঋণের শর্তসমূহ:
ঋণ নেয়ার জন্য যোগাযোগ করুন:
ইসলামি ব্যাংক টাওয়ার
৪০, দিলকুশা C/A

Prime Bank Education Loan:

Terms of borrowing from Prime Bank:
  • Education loan will be given to the student or the guardian of the student. The amount of the loan is determined according to the income of the guardian. Interested people can take loan up to 1-3 lakh taka from this loan scheme Maximum payment period is 2 years.
  • For this you have to pay 15 percent interest to Prime Bank.
  • Student has to submit all the required documents And based on the amount of cost Loans are given. More information is here

ঋণ নেয়ার জন্য যোগাযোগ করুন:
আদমজি কোর্ট,এনেক্স ভবন-২,১১ঌ-১২০
মতিঝিল সি/এ, ঢাকা -১০০০
ফোন - ঌ৫৬৭২৬৫,ঌ৫৬৭০৭৪৭-৮ ( পিএবিএক্স)
ফ্যাক্স ৮৮০-২-ঌ৫৬৭২৩০,ঌ৫৬০ঌ৭৭,৮৮০-২-ঌ৫৬৬২১৫


Mercantile Bank Limited Student Loan:

Mercantile Bank Limited provides a maximum loan of Tk 5 lakh for study in Bangladesh and a maximum loan of Tk 20 lakh for study abroad. This loan can be taken for a minimum of one year and a maximum of six years depending on the type of course. Any student between the ages of 18 to 26 can apply for a loan from any recognized educational institution in the country or abroad for SSC / HSC / O-Level / A-Level or equivalent examination. Details about this can be found at this link. More information is here



Janata Bank Education Loan

Janata Bank Limited provides education loans at low interest rates for various periods for the employees to get higher education under the education loan program. The customer of the loan must be working in various government, semi-government, autonomous organizations, banks, financial institutions, multinational companies and have been working and permanent in the existing organization for at least 2 years. The minimum monthly salary of the borrower should be a minimum of Tk 25,000.

A maximum loan of Tk 2 lakh without collateral and a maximum loan of Tk 10 lakh with collateral is given. The term of the loan is maximum 60 installments or 5 years. Details can be found here.


Eastern Bank Limited Education Loan:

Eastern Bank Limited is offering three loan facilities for students. These are education loan without security deposit, education loan with security deposit and loan facility against security deposit. Under the first project, you can take a loan of 1 lakh to 20 lakh and the rest can take a loan of  1 lakh to 25 lakh or 90 percent of the security deposit. According to the official website of Eastern Bank, the loan repayment period with competitive interest rates is 12 to 60 months. The processing fee for such loans is one percent of the loan amount. Details Can found here



NCC Bank Education Loan

NCC Bank or National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited provides education loans ranging from  1 lakh to 10 lakh. Details can be found here in this regard



Uttara Bank Education Loan:

Uttara Bank also has education loan schemes up to a maximum of Tk 3 lakh. People between the ages of 25 and 60: In addition to those who have their own source of income, parents can also take this loan on behalf of the student. Details can be found at this link.



One Bank Student Loan:

One Bank also Providing Monetary Support for the Deserving Students for Acquisition professional or technical education in home and abroad. For this reason One Bank Limited is Providing Student Loan . more Details Can be Found here

NRB Global Bank Education Loan:

NRB Student Education Loans Scheme is Purposed to help potential students willing to fulfill their dreams by having higher education at Bangladeshi Education Institutions.

Details of NRB Global Bank Education Loan can found here 



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