HSC Scholarship Result 2021 Education Board Published: Ministry of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Published HSC Scholarship Result 2020 By the Education Board of Bangladesh. HSC Scholarship Result for the HSC Examinee of 2020. It is hope That HSC Scholarship Result all Education Board will be Publish by the Ministry of Education. All The Scholarship Result of Education Board will be available here. So stay with us to get HSC Stipend Result 2020 by the Education Board Gov BD

HSC Scholarship Result 2020 Published
Autopass were given to HSC candidates in 2020 due to the coronavirus epidemic. A total 9,376 students received merit scholarships and general scholarships from different education boards of the country and 1,125 students received merit scholarships. In all, a total of 10,501 students received scholarships this year.
HSC Stipend Result 2020
Relevant sources in the Department of Secondary and Higher Education confirmed on Friday (April 16th) that the results of the Merit and General Scholarships have been released on the basis of the results of the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination of 2020.
The Highest Number of Merit List is-
427 Students in Dhaka Education board
72 in Mymensingh Education Board
194 in Rajshahi Education Board
69 in Comilla Education Board
31 in Sylhet Education Board
41 in Barisal Education Board
94 in Jessore Education Board
86 in Chittagong Education Board
111 in Dinajpur Education Board
- Dhaka Board HSC Scholarship Result
- Mymensingh Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Rajshahi Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Comilla Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Sylhet Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Barisal Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Jessore Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Chittagong Board HSC Schoarship Result
- Dinajpur Board HSC Schoarship Result
Besides, 2,700 students of Dhaka Education Board, 659 students of Mymensingh Education Board, 1,262 students of Rajshahi Education Board, 896 students of Comilla Education Board, 592 students of Sylhet Education Board, 750 students of Barisal Education Board and 1002 student of Jessore Education Board received general scholarships. 729 in Chittagong Education Board, 966 in Dinajpur Education Board.
Students who have received merit scholarships will get tk 850 per month and one-time tk 1,800 per year.

শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান, শিক্ষক-কর্মচারী ও ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের আর্থিক অনুদানের বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২১ Financial Grants to Students
General scholarship students will get 375 tk per month and 750 tk per year.
Scholarship money will be sent to the bank account of the students through EFT in GTP method. The Department of Education has asked nine general education boards to publish a gazette with a list of scholarship recipients by April 22. Within 7 days of the publication of the gazette, the scholarship recipients have to open a bank account and submit their information to the admitted institution. Scholarship money will be disbursed from the revenue budget scholarship-merit scholarship sector in the fiscal year 2020-21.
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