National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023

NU BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023: National University Masters Professional Courses Admission Circular Session 2023 on different Courses has been Published by the National University Authority Bangladesh.  

National University of Bangladesh is a public university located in Gazipur, Bangladesh. It was established in 1992 and offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of disciplines.

The university has several campuses and affiliated colleges throughout the country. It is the largest public university in Bangladesh, and one of the largest in the world, with over 2.5 million students enrolled. The University has a four-year undergraduate program and two-year master's degree program. The university is governed by the National University Act of 1992 and the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023 

Masters Professional Admission 2023 Candidates have to fill up Online application in various Masters courses affiliated to National Universities including BEd, BPEd, BSEd MEd is starting from 18 January 2023. Last Date of Submission Online Application is 31 January 2023. 

Interested Admission seekers will be able to apply for admission in these courses till 31/01/2023.  Classes for those courses will start from 23 February , 2023. 

Read Also: 

National University BEd BPEd MEd Admission Circular 2021

Masters Professional Admission Circular 2023 NU

Along with these courses,  National University has published the admission Circular for BMed, BSED, MSED, MPED and LLB courses in the 2023 academic year. The admission Circular was published from the National University Admission Website on Tuesday January 17, 2023. 

NU Professional Admission 2023

It is Known that in different academic year Masters Professional Admission initial application for admission in the final phase of BEd, BPEd, BMEd, BSEd, MEd, MSEd, MPEd and LLB will start online at 4 pm on 18 January, 2023 and will continue till 31 January 2023. Applicants will have to submit a print copy of the initial application along with fee of Tk 300 to the college by December 7. Each college will prepare a separate course-based merit list based on the results of the examinations passed at the undergraduate level. And the classes of these courses will start from February 18.

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023

National University BEd BPEd MEd BSEd Admission Circular 2023

Apply Masters Professional Admission Online 

The applicant has to go to the Master's Tab of the Admissions website at ( and click on the Apply Now (Masters Prof.) TAB . Provide Your BEd (Honors) / BSEd / BMEd exam roll and registration number, name of the university, year of pass, personal mobile number and e-mail address must be entered correctly

Applicants can visit the National University Admissions Alternative website

There is good news for many students who have already enrolled in MPO as teachers and are preparing for admission to B.Ed courses in the 2023 academic year. If you get BEd from 17 colleges, you will get higher scale without any problem. A decision of the Ministry of Education in this regard is highlighted here.

Following the judgment of Appeal No. 99/2014 and Contempt Petition No. 153/2014 arising out of the Hon'ble High Court's Writ Case No. 5038/2009, the Ministry of Education decided to provide B.Ed scale to the certified teachers obtained from 23 private B.Ed colleges.

Some of these 23 colleges have already closed. Here are the names of 16 colleges from the list signed by the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Education:

কলেজগুলোর নাম ও ঠিকানাঃ

(১)  হাজী ওয়াজেদ আলী টিচার্স ট্রেনিং  কলেজ,সাতক্ষীরা , ০১৭১২-৯৭৬৬৮৯,০১৭৫১৩৮০১৮৮ মেইলঃ (২) মহানগর টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, আজিমপুর, ঢাকা, ০১৭৮৬-০৮৮৫৫৫    মেইলঃ৩) হাজীগঞ্জ আইডিয়াল কলেজ অব এডুকেশন, চাঁদপুর, ০১৮১৪-৩৮৫১৯১,০১৭১৩০৩৯৭৪৩ মেইলঃ (৪) আমিরুল ইসলাম কাগজী টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, পাইকগাছা, খুলনা০১৯২৩-১০৫৩২৯,০১৭১৩৮২২২০৮, ০১৯১২৯৫৬৯৬১মেইলঃ
 (৫) পিরোজপুর টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, পিরোজপুর, ০১৭২০-৬২১৭৩৩ (৬) কলেজ অব এডুকেশন বি.এড. বরিশাল, ০১৭১৭৩৮৮৬২৫ (৭) মুন্সী মেহেরুউল্লা টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, যশোর, ০১৭১১-৪২৩৫৯২ (৮) জয়পুরহাট বি.এড কলেজ, জয়পুরহাট, ০১৭০-৭৭১৫৪০০ (৯) মঠবাড়িয়া টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, মঠবাড়িয়া, পিরোজপুর, ০১৭১৪-৭২৯৬১৩ (১০) বগুড়া বি.এড কলেজ, বগুড়া, ০১৭১১-৩৬৩৫২৮ (১১) দক্ষিণবঙ্গ টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, পটুয়াখালী, ০১৭১২-০৪৪৫৪৫ (১২) কক্সবাজার টির্চাস ট্রেনিং কলেজ, কক্সবাজার, ০১৮১৯-০১৪৫৪৬ (১৩) পরশ পাথর টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, চট্রগ্রাম, ০১৭১১১৪৬৯২৫ (১৪) ড. মিয়া আব্বাস উদ্দীন টি.টি কলেজ, মোড়েলগঞ্জ, বাগেরহাট, ০১৭১৪-৫৭৩৬০০ (১৫)  শিক্ষক প্রশিক্ষণ কলেজ,পালবাড়ী ,যশোর-০১৭১৬৩১৯৭২৬, (১৬) উপশহর টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, যশোর- ০১৭১২-৩১১৩২৬, (১৭)মাগুরা টিচার্স ট্রেনিং কলেজ, এ,জি,একাডেমী,মাগুরা -০১৭১৯৭৩০৬৫০।

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